Sakura internet offers hosted server services.This contact is to be used by the customers who are thinking about or receiving consultations or complaining or filing complaints regarding spam e-mails, unauthorized access, rights infringement information, etc. that occur in the server service provided to them by Sakura internet.
Inquiry form
(*No telephone contact is available.)
Based on the information provided, our company will investigate and take measures that are considered necessary.
Depending on the content reported, the information provided, or the content of the required measures, our company may not be able to accept or respond. Your understanding would be appreciated.
Please click on the link for the detailed explanation of each item
If the target server administrator or publisher information is clearly known, or if contact information is posted or a contact is established, please consider directly contacting them first.
This is an English translation from the Japanese version. In the case of any disputes, the Japanese version takes precedence.